Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Angles games






www.ingniyelearning.com/media/266 t07m02 IN09.swf

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Moon

Today in Science we started learning about the phases of the moon. For a little reivew on what we are learning, what the video below: http://www1.teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=96281

Here is a fun site to look at:

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Science resources

Here is a good model of why we have seasons: http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/encyclopedia/season/?ar_a=1 Here is a good video: http://www.neok12.com/php/watch.php?v=zX764d5f64416274614f5e63&t=Seasons Ask your student why we have sesons!

Veterans' Day Program

Today we had our Veterans' Day Program.  The students really enjoyed hearing from some veterans and enjoyed listening to the choir sing and hear essays and poems from other students. blog 038 blog 039 We were also proud of our Boy Scouts that helped!
Today we furtered our student on fractions with a fraction match up game. Everyone got a different fraction and they then had to find their equivilent match. They had an extra challege of having to do it withour using their voices!
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